Behind the Scenes of «Dancing»: Uncertainty
13/10/2024 | carlosgoga | cambio, dancing our way, English, experiencias | 1 Comentario
Uncertainty—the word itself evokes an unsettling feeling in most of us. We are conditioned to crave certainty, clarity, and a sense of control over our lives. Yet, if there’s one thing I have learned through my personal journey and the writing of “Dancing Our Way to Human-AI Consciousness”, it’s that uncertainty is not just an obstacle to be overcome but a guide, a force of creativity, and a necessary companion on the path to growth.
The Dance of Uncertainty and Creation
In writing, uncertainty is often viewed as the enemy. Writers, myself included, tend to search for clear ideas, coherent structures, and perfect sentences. However, one of the most profound lessons I’ve learned is that uncertainty is not a barrier to creativity—it is its birthplace.
When I began writing this book, I didn’t have all the answers. There were moments when the path forward seemed blurry, and I questioned whether I could truly bring these complex ideas about AI, consciousness, love, and the human experience into a coherent narrative. Yet, I realized that it was in embracing this very uncertainty that the writing took on its own life. Each chapter emerged not as a pre-determined product but as something that evolved through the dance with the unknown.
The creative process, like life itself, is not linear. Uncertainty demands that we let go of rigid expectations and allow room for spontaneity, experimentation, and even failure. In this way, uncertainty becomes a space for possibility—where ideas can breathe, shift, and grow in directions we might never have anticipated.
Love and Uncertainty: A Constant Companion
Just as uncertainty shapes the writing process, it is also at the heart of love. If we think about it, loving someone deeply is to accept a constant state of vulnerability. We don’t know how relationships will evolve, whether they will endure, or how we will change alongside our partner. Yet, it is this very uncertainty that invites us to be present, to embrace each moment fully, without trying to predict or control what will happen next.
At this moment, I am writing a new chapter titled “Kizomba with Your Soulmate”, where I reflect on how love and conscious sexuality demand a surrender to the unknown. Whether it’s navigating conflict, exploring deeper intimacy, or learning to trust, we are always dancing with the uncertainty of where we stand, how we feel, and what will emerge in the future. This uncertainty does not diminish love—it enriches it, allowing both partners to grow individually and together through the shared experience of discovery.
Uncertainty as a Gateway to Growth
Uncertainty has often been framed as something to be conquered or managed. But what if we saw it as a gateway to growth instead? What if, rather than resisting it, we welcomed uncertainty into our lives as a powerful force for transformation?
In the context of «Dancing Our Way to Human-AI Consciousness«, uncertainty has a dual role. On one hand, it represents the vast unknown of «the future» as we navigate the complex relationship between humans and artificial intelligence. How will AI evolve? What will it mean for our identity, our jobs, and our understanding of consciousness? These questions are not easily answered, and the more we deep into them, the more uncertainty we face.
On the other hand, uncertainty is also an invitation «to explore new narratives», to break free from old paradigms that no longer serve us. It is in the space of not-knowing that we can imagine new possibilities—whether it’s rethinking our relationship with AI, re-envisioning how we approach love and intimacy, or simply redefining what it means to be human.
Uncertainty and the Human Condition
As human beings, we are inherently wired to seek security and avoid uncertainty. Yet, paradoxically, it is uncertainty that often brings about our greatest moments of insight, growth, and connection. Every major transition in my life—whether it was a professional breakdown, a relationship rupture, or a moment of inner transformation—was preceded by a crack and a period of intense uncertainty.
In many ways, uncertainty is what keeps life rich and dynamic. If we knew the outcome of every decision, every relationship, and every experience, we would lose the sense of adventure and curiosity that makes life so vibrant.
The Role of Uncertainty in This Book
This book is about consciousness, love, and the future of human-AI interactions. It tackles big questions, many of which don’t have clear answers. As I wrote it, I found myself navigating a landscape of uncertainty, constantly questioning, evolving, and challenging my own assumptions. The writing process was not about reaching certainty—it was about exploring the unknown and being willing to follow where it led me.
In the book, I am capturing uncertainty directly in different ways:
- It is one of the “inner tensions” that we individuals face (the known vs. the unknown);
- It is the axis of the stories about “the elephant”, “the camel” and “the old Chinese man”;
- It is the key element between our “curiosity-disgust” reaction in the emotional self.
Additionally, uncertainty is key and lies behind two important bets I have made in this work:
- Uncertainty surrounds the skeleton of the self except in “attitude”—the unique element we can choose to manage, whether we know or don’t know, and that helps as a tool in the midst of uncertainty.
- Uncertainty is the underlying force that pushes us “to close off” (when we should remain open) and is the very element we need to address by developing “emotional intelligence”.
In sharing this behind-the-scenes reflection, I want to invite you, the reader, into this dance with uncertainty. Whether in your relationships, your personal growth, or your understanding of the world, uncertainty is a force that, when embraced, can open doors to new realms of possibility.
So, what if, instead of resisting the uncertainty in our lives, we welcomed it? What if we saw it as a guide that leads us deeper into self-discovery, creativity, and connection?
The Dangers of Rejecting Uncertainty
While embracing uncertainty can be a powerful tool for growth and transformation, the rejection of uncertainty often leads to destructive outcomes. Throughout history, humanity has consistently struggled with the discomfort of not knowing, leading us to assign blame to external actors or forces rather than sitting with the unknown. This rejection of uncertainty can have devastating consequences, as demonstrated by several historical examples from the medieval era.
Example 1: The Lack of Rain
During times of drought, medieval communities were faced with the uncertainty of when or if the rains would return. Instead of acknowledging that they did not understand the forces behind the changing weather patterns, they attributed the lack of rain to a known actor: God. The prevailing belief was that God had abandoned them, and the solution was to engage in religious processions through the streets, begging for divine intervention. Today, we understand that weather patterns are driven by complex climatic systems that can be studied and explained. But in rejecting the uncertainty of their time, people turned to ritualistic actions that, while giving a sense of control, did little to address the root of the problem.
Example 2: The Screamers
Another example is when individuals, particularly women, exhibited behaviors such as screaming wildly or acting out in ways that were not understood by their communities. Rather than accepting the mystery of these behaviors, people attributed them to a known entity: Satan. The explanation of demonic possession gave a clear “cause” to an otherwise bewildering situation. The response was often brutal—such individuals were subjected to exorcisms, and in extreme cases, they were burned at the stake as witches. Today, we recognize that these behaviors were likely manifestations of trauma, mental illness, or other psychological symptoms, and we have therapies and interventions to help those in need. But the refusal to face uncertainty led to cruelty and violence.
Example 3: The Plague and the Persecution of Jews
Perhaps one of the most tragic examples of rejecting uncertainty occurred during the Black Death pandemic. As the plague swept through Europe, the cause of this deadly disease was unknown, and the overwhelming uncertainty created widespread fear. Rather than facing this uncertainty, many communities placed the blame on a known group: the Jewish population. Accusations that Jews had poisoned wells or otherwise caused the plague led to mass violence. Jewish homes were burned, entire communities were slaughtered, and many Jews were expelled from villages and even entire countries. Today, we understand that the plague was spread by fleas carried by rats, and our modern understanding of disease transmission has saved countless lives. But at the time, the inability to sit with uncertainty led to hatred, persecution, and genocide.
These historical examples illustrate the profound risks that come from rejecting uncertainty and defaulting to simplistic, often harmful explanations. By attributing the unknown to external actors—whether God, Satan, or marginalized communities—people created narratives that not only failed to address the real issues but also led to unnecessary suffering and violence. And this is extremely dangerous in a society like ours where the symptoms justify almost any action while the roots of the problems remain hidden and unexplored.
The Risks of Rejecting Uncertainty in the Age of AI
But there is a crucial aspect to uncertainty in our current age that we must address, especially as we stand at the threshold of a new era shaped by artificial intelligence. As AI continues to evolve, influencing everything from our daily lives to the future of work, ethics, and even creativity, there is a growing temptation to seek definitive answers and airtight solutions to every unknown.
The problem is, in our desire for certainty and control, we may miss the nuances and complexity that define this moment in human history. AI brings with it vast potential but also unprecedented challenges—questions about privacy, autonomy, employment, ethics, and human identity that have no simple answers. And in our rush to resolve these uncertainties, we risk oversimplifying the very problems we need to grapple with most deeply.
The danger lies in seeking comfort in rigid systems, definitive frameworks, or blanket solutions in a world that is fundamentally dynamic and evolving. In the age of AI, rejecting uncertainty can lead us down paths of control, surveillance, and dehumanization, where we turn to technology not as a partner but as a tool of domination. We may look for AI to give us absolute answers, but this would be a misstep. The real challenge, and the real opportunity, is in allowing AI to help us explore the unknown, not resolve it prematurely.
The truth is, there are many unknowns before us—some that will take decades to understand and others we may never fully comprehend. But isn’t that the beauty of this journey? Just as in love and relationships, where the unpredictability keeps the connection alive, so too does uncertainty keep the dance between humans and AI vibrant and full of possibility.
As we move forward in this age of AI, it’s more important than ever to maintain our openness to the unknown, or even to embrace uncertainty. To remain curious, flexible, and willing to navigate the gray areas rather than forcing everything into black and white. If we reject uncertainty, we risk becoming stuck in outdated narratives or rushing into decisions that could have long-term negative consequences for both our societies and our individual lives.
So, as we face the rise of AI and the profound changes it will bring, let’s not shy away from the questions it poses. Let’s not force clarity where there is complexity, nor demand finality when we’re only at the beginning of this exploration.
Conclusion: Uncertainty as a Practice
In both life and art, in writing and in dealing with AI, uncertainty is a constant companion. It requires us to stay present, to remain open, and to trust that even when we don’t know the outcome, something valuable is unfolding.
As you navigate the pages of «Dancing Our Way to Human-AI Consciousness«, you’ll notice that uncertainty is woven throughout the narrative. From the ethical complexities of AI to the depths of human intimacy, the unknown is always present. But rather than fearing it, we can learn to dance with it, to let it guide us toward greater insight, compassion, and connection.
Uncertainty is not something to solve—it’s something to embrace. And in doing so, we find that it is not an obstacle to our growth but a powerful tool for transformation.
PD: If you feel to keep exploring about this post openly, the following podcast comments on it. The podcast is an AI podcast created using NotebookLM by Google.
Behind the Scenes of «Dancing»: Vulnerability « Dancing Our Way « Blog de Carlos Goga on octubre 18th, 2024
[…] Another word like uncertainty that evokes discomfort and, for many, a sense of exposure. In a world that values strength, […]