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Blog de Carlos Goga

Entrada 'English'

What specific steps can lead us towards Community Engagement and Participation?

11/11/2023 | | English, lovetopia | 1 Comentario

Fostering community engagement and participation is vital for building a cohesive and vibrant society, as envisioned in a Lovetopia-like future. Here are specific steps to enhance this engagement: (más…)

Etiquetas: cambio, comunidad, innovación, lovetopía

What specific steps can lead us towards Educational Transformation?

11/11/2023 | | English, lovetopia | 1 Comentario

Transforming education to align with a Lovetopia-like vision involves creating learning environments and systems that nurture holistic development, creativity, and critical thinking. Here are specific steps towards this educational transformation: (más…)

Etiquetas: cambio, educación, innovación, lovetopía

What specific steps can lead us towards Economic Democracy and Universal Basic Income?

11/11/2023 | | English, lovetopia | 1 Comentario

Implementing economic democracy and a universal basic income (UBI) are significant steps towards creating a more equitable and sustainable society, as envisioned in a Lovetopia-like future. Here are specific steps to achieve this: (más…)

Etiquetas: cambio, democracia, lovetopía, tecnología

What specific steps can lead us towards Prioritizing Personal Well-Being?

11/11/2023 | | English, lovetopia | 1 Comentario

Prioritizing personal well-being is essential for creating a Lovetopia-like future where individuals lead fulfilling, balanced, and healthy lives. Here are specific steps to achieve this: (más…)

Etiquetas: bienestar, cambio, innovación, lovetopía

What specific steps can lead us towards Fostering Social Harmony?

11/11/2023 | | English, lovetopia | 1 Comentario

Fostering social harmony, a key aspect of the Lovetopia vision, involves creating an inclusive, respectful, and cohesive society. Here are specific steps towards achieving this:

  • Promoting Inclusivity and Diversity: Actively working towards creating environments where diversity is celebrated and all individuals feel valued and included. This can involve diversity training, inclusive policies, and representation of diverse groups in media, politics, and business.
  • Encouraging Empathy and Understanding: Implementing programs and initiatives that foster empathy, such as community dialogues, cultural exchanges, and empathy training in schools and workplaces.


Etiquetas: cambio, innovación, lovetopía

What specific steps can lead us towards better Embracing Technological Advancements?

11/11/2023 | | English, lovetopia | 1 Comentario

Embracing technological advancements in a way that benefits society and aligns with the vision of a Lovetopia-like future involves several specific steps:

  • Investing in Research and Development (R&D): Allocating resources towards R&D in key areas such as renewable energy, medical technology, and sustainable materials can lead to breakthroughs that have a positive impact on society and the environment.
  • Promoting STEM Education: Encouraging education in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) from an early age can inspire future generations to innovate and develop new technologies.


Etiquetas: cambio, innovación, lovetopía, tecnología

What specific steps can lead us towards Promoting Environmental Sustainability?

11/11/2023 | | English, lovetopia | 1 Comentario

Promoting environmental sustainability is a multifaceted goal that requires action at individual, community, and global levels. Here are some specific steps that can lead us towards this vision: (más…)

Etiquetas: cambio, innovación, lovetopía

Main characters in #lovetopia: The New World That Lives Within Our Heart

08/06/2023 | | English, lovetopia | No hay comentarios

These are the main character of Carlos Goga’s novel #lovetopia – The New World That Lives Within Our Heart: (más…)

Etiquetas: lovetopía

Mi «nuevo yo» en esta «nueva normalidad»

26/05/2020 | | cambio, English, experiencias | No hay comentarios

Eso que llaman la «nueva normalidad» nos ha llegado, sin excepción, a todos y cada uno, con independencia de cómo hemos vivido estas últimas semanas o lo qué opinemos sobre el corona-virus, el gobierno o el resto de nosotros (la ciudadanía).

Esta «nueva normalidad» tiene algunas características directas e íntimas que facilita reconocer como el «nuevo yo» y que agrupo en dos «novedades fuera» y dos «novedades dentro».

Las novedades fuera (de ahí, F1 y F2) son las siguientes:

F1. una exigencia de DISTANCIA SOCIAL y la correspondiente obligatoriedad de llevar MASCARILLA cuando no es factible;
F2. una recomendación generalizada de NO TOCAR y de mantener una HIGIENE estricta;

Las novedades dentro (de ahí, D1 y D2) son estas:

D1. una exposición permanente a la CONFUSIÓN y a la FALTA DE COHERENCIA;
D2. una TORMENTA EMOCIONAL continua que a veces me arrastra al sufrimiento y la angustia, a veces a estados de alerta y tensión. (más…)

Etiquetas: cambio, corazón, crisis

Yes, I am a SIY Certified Teacher and I am overflowing with gratitude and love

01/09/2018 | | English, experiencias, SIY | 2 Comentario

Yesterday, August 31st 2018, I received a simple email message in which I was informed that I have received the status as Certified Teacher by the Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute (SIYLI). Smile on my face and in my heart, I reflect aloud about this trip that started in May of last year.

It was on my way to the NESI Forum (New Economy & Social Innovation Forum) when Esther, then a new friend of BlaBlaCar and today a good friend of the heart, it was then that Esther told me about a mindfulness program developed at Google. My first reaction was rejection, kind of verbalizing «that does not exist because if it existed I would surely know». She insisted and I kept the question opened.

A few weeks later, I sat at my computer, I launched a couple of searches and … olé! … there it was. I felt a sense of new identity, very strong, like the one I experienced when I discovered Theory-U and Otto Scharmer’s Presencing Institute. I read everything that had to be read and I felt in love.

The story that stuck with me was as follows. A Google engineer, Chade Meng-Tan, designed a course of mindfulness and emotional intelligence to help his (Google’s) coleagues to enjoy more of their work and improve their performance. His success was such, such was the good reception and long waiting lists, that over time that became the headline of articles in the press. He ended up making a «spin-off» that shaped what I had just discovered: the startup of Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute as an independent, non-profit organization, with the aim of offering that same training outside Google and with the great intention of working for peace in the world. (más…)

Etiquetas: cambio, corazón, google, innovación, SiliconValley, tecnología

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