What specific steps can lead us towards Educational Transformation?
11/11/2023 | carlosgoga | English, lovetopia | 1 Comentario
Transforming education to align with a Lovetopia-like vision involves creating learning environments and systems that nurture holistic development, creativity, and critical thinking. Here are specific steps towards this educational transformation: (más…)
Etiquetas: cambio, educación, innovación, lovetopía
What specific steps can lead us towards Economic Democracy and Universal Basic Income?
11/11/2023 | carlosgoga | English, lovetopia | 1 Comentario
Implementing economic democracy and a universal basic income (UBI) are significant steps towards creating a more equitable and sustainable society, as envisioned in a Lovetopia-like future. Here are specific steps to achieve this: (más…)
Etiquetas: cambio, democracia, lovetopía, tecnología
What specific steps can lead us towards Prioritizing Personal Well-Being?
11/11/2023 | carlosgoga | English, lovetopia | 1 Comentario
Prioritizing personal well-being is essential for creating a Lovetopia-like future where individuals lead fulfilling, balanced, and healthy lives. Here are specific steps to achieve this: (más…)
Etiquetas: bienestar, cambio, innovación, lovetopía
What specific steps can lead us towards Fostering Social Harmony?
11/11/2023 | carlosgoga | English, lovetopia | 1 Comentario
Fostering social harmony, a key aspect of the Lovetopia vision, involves creating an inclusive, respectful, and cohesive society. Here are specific steps towards achieving this:
- Promoting Inclusivity and Diversity: Actively working towards creating environments where diversity is celebrated and all individuals feel valued and included. This can involve diversity training, inclusive policies, and representation of diverse groups in media, politics, and business.
- Encouraging Empathy and Understanding: Implementing programs and initiatives that foster empathy, such as community dialogues, cultural exchanges, and empathy training in schools and workplaces.
Etiquetas: cambio, innovación, lovetopía
What specific steps can lead us towards better Embracing Technological Advancements?
11/11/2023 | carlosgoga | English, lovetopia | 1 Comentario
Embracing technological advancements in a way that benefits society and aligns with the vision of a Lovetopia-like future involves several specific steps:
- Investing in Research and Development (R&D): Allocating resources towards R&D in key areas such as renewable energy, medical technology, and sustainable materials can lead to breakthroughs that have a positive impact on society and the environment.
- Promoting STEM Education: Encouraging education in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) from an early age can inspire future generations to innovate and develop new technologies.
Etiquetas: cambio, innovación, lovetopía, tecnología
What specific steps can lead us towards Promoting Environmental Sustainability?
11/11/2023 | carlosgoga | English, lovetopia | 1 Comentario
Promoting environmental sustainability is a multifaceted goal that requires action at individual, community, and global levels. Here are some specific steps that can lead us towards this vision: (más…)
Etiquetas: cambio, innovación, lovetopía
Main characters in #lovetopia: The New World That Lives Within Our Heart
08/06/2023 | carlosgoga | English, lovetopia | No hay comentarios
These are the main character of Carlos Goga’s novel #lovetopia – The New World That Lives Within Our Heart: (más…)
Etiquetas: lovetopía
#lovetopía y las hermosas «alucinaciones» de chatGPT
08/04/2023 | carlosgoga | lovetopia, nuevas tecnologías | No hay comentarios
Lo que sigue más abajo es el resultado de un juego fácil con la Inteligencia Artificial que tan de moda está. Le pido a «Bing by chatGPT» que escriba un borrador de entrada para Wikipedia sobre #lovetopía y me ofrece el bonito texto que aparece más abajo.
Si aceptamos que chatGPT explora realidades paralelas, como si de una tecnología cuántica se tratase, esa especie de creatividad lineal que llaman «halucinaciones» y que se desliza fuera del dominio de la realidad, en algún lugar existe algo tan prometedor como #lovetopía: el musical y #lovetopía: la película.
¡Qué «gran gran sonrisa»! Sólo por esto, el juego merece el rato.
Etiquetas: cuentos, historias, lovetopía, proyectos, tecnología, visión
¿Dónde está la magia en un taller de sexualidad sagrada y consciente?
18/08/2019 | carlosgoga | bliss-u, educación, sexualidad | 2 Comentario
Son ya muchos los talleres que he compartido con Carmen y Michel, tantos como caben en diez años (¡si, diez años juntos, todos seguidos, uno detrás de otro, ni más ni menos!), y de ellos, con ellos (¡de vosotros, con vosotros!) he aprendido todo lo que no sabía que se podía aprender.
Pero ahora lo sé. He cambiado mucho. Los primeros años no era capaz de observar de la manera que hoy en día sé observar. Además, ahora disfruto de palabras nuevas que describen lo que antes sentía pero que no sabía reconocer, o no sabía ver, y que recibía tan difuso como confuso.
Estas que siguen son mis mejores palabras para describir “la magia” de Carmen y Michel, aquello que no se ve con facilidad pero que todos sentimos y recibimos con intensidad cristalina en el momento que estamos con ellos (¡con vosotros!) y especialmente, en los talleres de sexualidad sagrada y consciente. Así es como entiendo “la magia” que nos inunda, magia muy presente en la manera en que se ofrecen a la relación con el otro, generando «esa energía extraordinaria y acogedora» que permite que lo cerrado se abra y lo impensable suceda. (más…)
Etiquetas: amar, amor, love, lovetopía, oportunidad, sexualidad
Yuval Noah Harari’s Sapiens, Homo Deus and 21 Lesson: what we should be grateful for
24/04/2019 | carlosgoga | cambio, nuevas tecnologías | 3 Comentario
It was by full randomness that Homo Deus, the second book of Yuval Noah Harari, reached me. It was October 2017 and I was flying San Francisco to start with my teacher certification process at SIYLI. You already know how it is: an easy walk through the corridors of the airport’s library, looking left and right until the book-to-read is chosen. During the flight, I read around 100 pages and decided to put it down. I received it as a fastastic vision of the future with no special, practical insight.
However, it got back to me a couple of months ago (some magical situation behind which does not add to this post). But now, as soon as I reached further what I have already read, it simply skyrocketed me. So I have dedicated all my spare time during the last two months to read, watch, and study Harari’s views and work.
At this moment, I feel fortunate that he has written what he has written, so let me offer my gratitude in plain words. Thank you very much, Mr. Harari, for such a systemic thesis of what we humans are, where we humans do come from, and where we humans maybe will end up!
Let me share what I like the most about his work by offering a quick reflection, bullet-point type. (más…)
Etiquetas: harari, innovación, lovetopía, oportunidad, tecnología, visión